Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (EFE) Spain as a whole (2.49%), which places the total number of unemployed at 186,440 people.
According to data published this Thursday by the Ministry of Labor, at the moment the Canary Islands have 20,716 fewer people registered on the unemployment lists than a year ago, 10.00% less, a decrease that improves by more than three points on that observed in the country’s average, where unemployment accumulates an annual drop of 6.87%.
By provinces, registered unemployment in Las Palmas increased by 1,453 people in January compared to December, 1.53%, to bring the total number of unemployed in the eastern islands to 96,210 job seekers, 10,669 less than a year ago ( -9.98%).
For its part, Santa Cruz de Tenerife ended January with 90,230 unemployed, 1,827 more than in December (+2.07 &), but 10,047 less than a year ago (-10.02).
Last month, at the end of the Christmas season, unemployment rose especially on the islands in the service sector, with 3,872 more unemployed, but it also did so in agriculture, with 347 more unemployed than in December.
On the other hand, both construction and industry reduced their unemployment data, with 112 and five fewer unemployed, respectively, and also the group of people without a previous occupation, with 822 fewer.
Currently, the Canary Islands have 143,254 unemployed in services, 16,929 in construction, 7,064 in industry, 4,220 in the countryside and 14,973 in the group without previous employment.
Last month, 53,967 employment contracts were signed on the islands, 878 less than in December (-1.60%) and 992 less than in January 2022 (-1.80%).
Of the total contracts signed in January in the Canary Islands, 24,826 were permanent, 3,136 more than in December (+14.46%) and 14,203 more than a year ago (+133.70%).
On the other hand, temporary contracts, much more restricted since the last labor reform, fell and stood at 29,141 in January, 4,014 less than in December (-12.11%) and 15,195 less than twelve months ago (-34.27% ). EFE