Valladolid, (EFE).- The labor market of Castilla y León closed March with 4,446 fewer unemployed than in February, a -3.58% decrease, the third largest in the autonomous community both in absolute and relative data, which left 119,646 the unemployed in that Community, which also gained 7,007 members of Social Security (0.75%), up to 940,061.
The Ministries of Labor and Inclusion and Social Security have published last month’s labor market data on Tuesday, in which unemployment fell in Spain by 48,755 people, -1.67 percent, compared to February, which left it at 2,862,260 the unemployed. Social Security added 206,410 contributors (1.02%), to exceed 20.376 million.
Registered unemployment fell in monthly variation in all the autonomous communities except in the Community of Madrid, where it rose by 1,013 people, with Andalusia, the Canary Islands and Castilla y León with the largest cuts in absolute data; and the Balearic Islands (-4.17), Cantabria (-3.88) and Castilla y León (-3.58) in relative data.
In an annual comparison, compared to March 2022, Castilla y León registered 10,507 fewer unemployed (-8.07), and 13,866 more contributors (1.5%).
Unemployment fell in all sectors, more in services
Unemployment fell in all sectors in March in Castilla y León, especially in the services sector, with -3,613 fewer unemployed than in February.
In agriculture, the Community recorded 123 fewer unemployed, -350 in industry, with -344 in construction and -16 in the previously unemployed group.
And it decreased in all provinces, more in Zamora with -6.14%
In monthly terms, registered unemployment decreased in all the provinces of the Community: Ávila (-4.28%), Burgos (-4.67%), León (-3.46%), Palencia (-3.96% ), Salamanca (-2.67%), Segovia (-3.79%), Soria (-4.49%), Valladolid (-2.17%) and Zamora (-6.14%).
The same as compared to a year ago: Ávila (-5.84%), Burgos (-7.92%), León (-9.63%), Palencia (-10.59%), Salamanca (-6, 75%), Segovia (-4.28%), Soria (-8.60%), Valladolid (-9.17%) and Zamora (-6.16%).
In absolute data, in March and compared to the previous month, there were 418 fewer unemployed in Ávila, 759 in Burgos, 851 in León, 305 in Palencia, 526 in Salamanca, 229 in Segovia, 147 in Soria, with 574 fewer in Valladolid and 637 in Zamora.
Also in all age groups
Unemployment fell by 2,229 men (-4.43) and 2,217 women (-3%) in March in Castilla y León, with 313 fewer unemployed in the group under 25 years of age, and 4,133 in the group over 25.
13,296 more contracts than in February and 5,177 less than a year ago
In March, 58,103 new contracts were formalized in Castilla y León, which represents 13,296 more than the previous month, a 29.67 percent increase, compared to the 21.23 national average.
In annual data, 5,177 fewer contracts were closed than in March 2022, -8.18 percent, also with a better performance than the national one, where hiring plummeted 21.34 percent compared to the same month of the previous year , with 356,746 fewer contracts.
Of these contracts, 20,487 were permanent, 3,000 more than the previous month, with a rise of 17.16 percent (24.83 national), and 2,560 more than in March 2022 (14.28%).
Temporary contracts were 37,616, 10,296 more than in March, with a rise of 37.69 percent, although they totaled 7,737 less than in the same month of 2022 (-17.06%).
74,054 unemployed with unemployment benefits
Of the more than 119,000 unemployed in the Community, 74,054 received some unemployment benefit, with data in this case from February.
Specifically, 36,203 received a contributory benefit, 34,233 a subsidy and 3,618 active insertion income.
All provinces gained affiliates to Social Security
All provinces gained social security contributors in March in Castilla y León, between 1.21 percent in Zamora and 0.49 in Valladolid.
In absolute data, Ávila added 376 members more than the previous month, Burgos 1,183, with 1,349 León, 534 Palencia, 966 Salamanca, 438 Segovia, 375 Soria, 1,077 Valladolid and 709 Zamora.EFE