Oviedo, Apr 3 (EFE).- The Asturias Firefighters continue this Monday with the review, monitoring and finishing work (cooling of hot spots within the burned areas) of the forest fires in Asturias, which these days have devastated some 11,000 hectares.
As specified by the Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPA), these works are being carried out in Is, in the council of Allande; Foyedo and the coast, in Tineo and Valdés; in Lavadoira, Solanos and Villanueva de Rañadoiro, in Tineo, and Bustefollado, in Villayón, all of them in the western zone.
All the fires are in a controlled situation – isolated and without advancing within a perimeter -, with the exception of the fire located in Villanueva del Rañadorio, in Tineo, which is stabilized, that is, without being controlled, it continues to evolve within the control lines established by the fire services.
During the day, SEPA Firefighters will remain mobilized together with two forestry companies to continue with the surveillance work in the great fire between the councils of Tineo and Valdés.
In addition, one of the Asturias Firefighters helicopters will travel to the western area together with a chief supervisor to carry out monitoring and control tasks from the air.
The wave of fires, which began on March 23, has been the worst recorded in Asturias since 2017, having destroyed some 11,000 hectares.
Up to 800 people worked with the help of dozens of land vehicles, two seaplanes and five helicopters to extinguish the fires, which forced the evacuation of nearly 400 people.
Given the improvement in the situation, the Government of the Principality yesterday downgraded the Forest Fire Plan of the Principality to the emergency phase in situation 0.