Madrid (EFE) down the vote estimate of United We Can” and have demanded “immediate” explanations from its president, José Luis Tezanos.
According to sources from the purple party, these events place this body “in a very serious” situation that is “unprecedented”, which also leaves “a key public institution in question.”
The March barometer severely punished Unidas Podemos, which once again fell behind Vox by falling 2.7 points and standing at 10 percent in vote estimates. The survey was carried out between March 1 and 11, in the midst of a crisis in the coalition government for the reform of the law of only yes is yes.
The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has also said through social networks that if it were true that the CIS “manipulated” the figures to link the “lowering” of the party with the law of only yes, it would be something very serious. also insisting that Tezanos has to clarify it.