Almería, (EFE) the Mayor of Granada in the municipal elections of May 28.
This has been announced by the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno (PP), to journalists at the Torrecárdenas University Hospital in Almería, where he has argued that this change occurs as a consequence of having put the person at the service of citizens with “more capacity, solvency, track record and commitment” to the city of Granada, in this case Marifrán Carazo. A decision that she, she has maintained, Carazo herself has adopted.
He has specified that this Monday Carazo presents his resignation and this afternoon he will sign the appointment of Díaz, who will go to the Governing Council this Tuesday, after what he has maintained that he will be an “important person in the management”, since he is “firmly hardworking” and is “fully in tune” with what the project of his government represents.
Degree in Political Science and Sociology
It has affected that Rocío Díaz has been in charge of a “complex” Board of Trustees for four years but that she has also previously assumed other tasks as spokesperson for the municipal group in the City Council, to which she has added that she is a “capable, hardworking and tenacious” person. , and he has been convinced that he will be a “magnificent manager and advisor” of Development at the head of the team that Carazo has formed.
Rocío Díaz Jiménez (Granada, 1975) graduated in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada, graduated in Protocol and Institutional Relations from the Continuing Education Center of the University of Granada, with training also in the Administration Leadership Program Public of the IESE Business School.
She has been the spokesperson for the Popular Group in the Granada City Council, and for six years its Councilor for Tourism (2011-2016), member of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees (2012-2016), as well as vice-president of the Albaicín Agency. Previously, she was responsible for Communication, Marketing and Institutional Relations of the Granada Industrial and Technological Metropolitan Park (2006-2009), as well as various entities and private companies. EFE