Toledo, (EFE).- The Government Council of Castilla-La Mancha has agreed to increase, as of April 1, the maximum amount that can be received in the provision for the care of a dependent person in the family environment.
The amount of benefits linked to the service for hiring a worker to care for a dependent or for a residence, daytime stay or any other service will also increase.
For this, the decrees that regulate the recognition of dependency and the right of access to services and benefits must be modified.
Likewise, the catalog of services and economic benefits will have to be modified, because not only are the aids increased, but also the administrative processes are simplified to expedite the lists and waiting times, highlighted the Minister of Equality and spokesperson for the Government of Castilla- La Mancha, Blanca Fernández, at a press conference.
The amounts can go up from 5 to 15%
In the benefit for care in the family environment, the increase in the amount can be up to 10% and in the economic benefit linked to the contracting of services, the increase is between 5 and 15%.
The priority will be the procedures of the dependencies of those over 90 years of age and, in addition, waiting times will be shortened.
The objectives are, according to the spokesperson, the reduction of waiting times and the improvement of benefits, and these two measures represent an increase of 7.7 million euros in the budget for these aids, which will benefit 23,000 people in a situation of dependency that receive them.
Fernández has commented that the waiting list has been reduced to 3.7%, and is in a lower percentage than the average of the autonomous communities, and has stressed that the dependency system generates 25,000 jobs, the majority of women and in rural areas.