Pamplona (EFE).- The Department of Education has communicated to the private centers Irabia-Izaga and Miravalles-El Redín the termination of the educational concerts of the Baccalaureate stage. Both schools keep the students of this stage separated by sex.
The decision of the Department of Education delays its entry into force until next August. This is done for “pedagogical reasons”. It also occurs once the allegations of the centers have been received and analyzed, which have been rejected, the Provincial Government has reported.
The motivation for the extinction of the concerts lies in both cases in the non-compliance of the centers with the content of the LOMLOE, by keeping high school students separated by gender. For this reason, they do not meet the requirements to be able to enter into an agreement, therefore, once the non-compliance has been verified, the agreement is terminated.
They said they would meet the concert requirements
The same sources recall that after the processing of the procedure, in April 2022 the agreement for the Early Childhood Education and Baccalaureate stages was renewed at the private centers Irabia-Izaga and Miravalles-El Redín. Both centers stated in their respective applications that they meet all the requirements of the LOE.
At the beginning of this school year, the Educational Inspection Service of the Department of Education verified that the two centers kept the students of the Baccalaureate stage separated on the basis of their gender.
Considering that this could mean a breach of additional provision 25 of the LOE, in September 2022 the Provincial Government sent them the service certificate so that they could make allegations.
Both presented them and were valued by the Administration. Last December, a resolution proposal for the extinction of the educational concert in the Baccalaureate stage was sent to these two centers. However, it granted them a new term for the presentation of allegations.
Regarding the effective date of the extinction, it is delayed to August 31, 2023. In this way, “pedagogical reasons are addressed, so that the students are not affected by the imminent extinction of the concert during the 2022/2023 academic year ».
The Government points out that in the case of the Baccalaureate stage, it is not possible to extend the concert, as was done with the extinction of the Primary Education concert last year in these same centers. This is so because the enabling norm for it only allows the extension until the completion of the compulsory education that the students are studying. The Baccalaureate stage is not compulsory education, they point out.