Madrid (EFE) to improve these data and who is going to be the person responsible for that task”.
During his speech at the inauguration of the III edition of the forum “European Funds” of, Sánchez remarked that the aforementioned funds have contributed to the economic balance of the country, since Spain has received 37,000 million euros and 121 have been reached milestones.
In addition, a total of 27,000 million euros are already in the hands of 280,000 beneficiary companies, including 255,000 small and medium-sized companies or self-employed workers who are digitizing their business models.
Good unemployment data
The president referred to the half a million jobs created in the first five months of the year and to temporary employment, which is at “historic lows”, at the same time that he has stressed that a large number of jobs are created in sectors of high added value and that contribution income has grown by 9.3%.
He has also said that there have never been so many contributors per pensioner or so many women working, in addition to the fact that youth unemployment is at historic lows.
“Does this mean that the Spanish economy is doing well?” asked Sánchez, who considered that “no, this means that the Spanish economy is going like a motorcycle” and has asked that “if someone has an alternative, raise your hand and explain very well how you are going to improve these data and Who is going to be the person responsible for that task?
Fondo Next Generation
The president recalled that tomorrow, in the Council of Ministers, the addendum to the recovery plan will be approved, which will make it possible to request 84,000 million euros in loans and another 7,700 million in additional transfers from the Next Generation fund, to which are added 2,600 million from the new RepowerEU mechanism to reduce energy dependency.
The funds are “an amendment to the entirety” to the policies applied in the financial crisis and an “opportunity for Spain to modernize its productive fabric”, added Sánchez, who has warned that “any alteration of the current economic policy” will stop important projects, in addition to the present and future economic growth of the country.
Regarding the reforms implemented, such as labor or pensions, he has emphasized that “they must be consolidated” and “if they were to be repealed, the damage to our economic system would be extraordinarily serious.”
In this sense, he has indicated that the management of European funds will depend on the result of the elections, since it will correspond to the government that comes out of those elections.