Madrid (EFE) Marina Marroquí, who warns of the danger that adolescents are building their desire and their sexual education through porn.
One of the most alarming pieces of evidence of this situation is the group attacks, Marroquí warns in an interview with EFE, during which he states that “the adolescents who are 15 years old today are natives of the herds.”
The educator, who has just published her second book, “This is not sex”, recounts that in her generation, born after the crime of the Alcasser girls, the mothers asked them to walk on the inside of the sidewalk to be able to entering a doorway and not being put in a car, but now adolescents “go outside so they don’t put them in a doorway.”
The victims are still them, but the aggressor has changed. “Now they are nice kids who could be your colleagues, who always defend that they are good people,” portrays the author, who also points to the youth of the attackers, as in the recent case of the rape of an 11-year-old girl in Badalona , where three of the rapists are indictable as they are under 14 years of age.
Likewise, Marroquí points out that the fact that young people record these violations is further proof that they are influenced by porn: “they record them to upload them to the Internet, because amateur videos are among the most sought after, even though the images may be evidence against him at trial,” he says.
“We are facing a generation that does not know what sex is,” warns Marroquí, who states that for the majority of the more than 120,000 young people who have gone through his workshops and conferences “sex is associated with grabbing the neck, pulling the hair , spit or call the partner whore”.
The age at which porn begins to be consumed, which is around 8 years for men, is one of the factors that normalize these practices.
“At the age of 12 they already consume pornography on a regular and practically daily basis,” highlights Marroquí, who points out that it is in this age group when “desire is being built.” “Whatever is linked to sexuality between those years is what will turn you on for the rest of your life,” she advises.
According to the author, 88% of porn involves violence against women, which causes adolescents to “build their desire by seeing how they hit, humiliate and destroy women.” “They are going to need that violence for the rest of their lives,” she laments.
“Porn comes to give them answers to questions that they have not yet asked themselves. Before they like someone, they give their first hand or the first kiss, they have seen 700 multiple rapes, tortures and bukakes”, says Marroquí, who warns that the age at which the consumption of pornography begins is also the main moment building empathy.
It is in this age group when “the ability to feel the pain of another person develops,” explains the educator, who emphasizes that exposure to extreme violence during this process prevents the correct formation of this capacity.
“We are facing a generation of kids who are ecologists, animalists, and super socially aware, but when they see a girl cry while she tells how she was raped, her brain feels absolutely nothing,” he criticizes.
However, Marroquí assures that the worst part is taken by them.
Adolescents start consuming porn around the age of 13, but they do it “to find out what their friends have been talking about for so long, to learn what their role is and to know how to do what they already ask for at that age.” ”, concrete.
Moroccan also warns that porn sells the acceptance of this type of degrading and violent practices against women as a way to be “freer and more empowered.”
“Our generation has already moaned while being called a slut or having our hair pulled, because porn is building that desire and girls are playing that game to turn their partner on, instead of making guys question what arousal it can bring them. spit on them or insult them”, he emphasizes.
The only way to solve this is “a sexual education that competes with the stimulation and attractiveness that porn provides,” Marroquí asserts.
An education, I add, that does not eliminate “fun and pleasure” from the equation, nor is it limited to spreading the fear of sexually transmitted diseases and infections or pregnancy.
“Let’s give adolescents the ability to reflect, the subject of sex education that they deserve and need,” demands the author, before warning parents that if minors are not educated about sex, that space It will be replaced by porn, whose teachings “only benefit rapists and pedophiles.”