Zamora, Apr 1 (EFE).- Four years after the great demonstration in Madrid that made visible the discontent of the communities that constituted the so-called Revolt of Empty Spain, the associations that fight for the survival of the depopulated rural environment have celebrated this anniversary with a new protest message: “We do not want to be sacrificial territory.”
No to industrial projects that compromise
With this slogan, through a recently released statement, the La Revuelta de la España Vaciada movement has alluded to “energy megaprojects”, macro-farms and new forms of industrial exploitation that constitute a new threat to the future of the territories. that are the epicenter of demographic challenge policies.
The collective members of this social movement in Zamora, which is the province that loses the most population in Spain (12 percent in the last decade) and the one with the lowest proportion of people under 20 years of age in the EU (13.1). , have warned that Zamora is “the biggest demographic hole in all of Europe.”
Empty Spain does not want to be a territory of sacrifice
They have also assured that neither this province nor the rest of the territory included in the so-called emptied Spain wants to continue becoming a territory of sacrifice in which “they plunder our resources without leaving long-term benefits in our regions”, they have indicated in a statement released this Saturday.
For these groups, the model that promotes wind and photovoltaic megaprojects and macrofarms in rural areas constitutes a “model of sacrifice and imbalance”.
Faced with this, they have demanded both the State and the Junta de Castilla y León a decent future for Zamora after “the political abandonment by all the administrations” to which this province has been subjected, and which has had as consequences the ” destruction of social ties, the loss of essential services and the lack of protection” of natural resources.
They have asked that the energy transition not be carried out at the expense of the people and have come out against some macro-farms that contaminate the soil as opposed to other types of farms that are more sustainable.
Against the dismantling of public services
In the same way, they have denounced the dismantling of public services that entails being “a territory of sacrifice and without a future” and the abandonment of conventional railway lines “against the guidelines of the European Union”.
For all these reasons, the social movement of the revolt of emptied Spain has demanded a State pact against depopulation and in favor of territorial rebalancing.
It has also requested the State to exercise the necessary controls so that the projects that are undertaken in rural areas conform in their nature and dimensions “to legality and common sense and their negative impacts respond to criteria of equity and proportionality.”
In the same way, it has proposed that investments in projects carried out in the rural world to provide goods and services to people and companies that do not live or have their registered office in it include compensation to the affected region aimed at implementing “solutions effective and tangible against depopulation”.
All this so that the emptied Spain does not become a sacrificial territory and can continue “beating”. EFE