Toledo (EFE).- Podemos, Izquierda Unida, Verdes Equo and Alianza Verde have closed a framework agreement in Castilla-La Mancha to run in coalition in the regional and municipal elections that will take place on May 28.
The organizations have stated in a joint statement that “they have worked hard to reach an agreement as soon as possible and thus start working together today.”
The details of said agreement will be announced at a public event scheduled for this Friday, February 24, in Toledo, the seat of the regional parliament and the Presidency of the autonomous government.
In this act, the main details of the agreement will be made public, which includes the regional, municipal and provincial council elections, and will also reveal who the regional candidate is, the candidacies for the municipalities and the route to develop the participatory electoral program.
They will make a route with meetings to design the electoral program
“Our priority is to work in the region hand in hand with the people and for this reason we will make a route with meetings for the participatory elaboration of the electoral programs of change”, the four formations have asserted.
In any case, they have ensured that the agreement is headed by “a declaration of unity for social, ecological and feminist change in Castilla-La Mancha”.
In the opinion of these parties, the regional government, chaired by the socialist Emiliano García-Page, and the “anti-social policies of many municipal governments have degraded the situation in the region to the point of reaching limits that cannot be allowed.”
For this reason, the formations have reached out “to those people and political actors who want to unite to continue betting that Castilla-La Mancha is a region of the future focused on improving the lives of people and the environment.”
In addition, they have promised to set up “an electoral program of hope with courageous measures for a Castilla-La Mancha of the future.”
And it is that the objective of the union is “to unite efforts to achieve progressive change in the region on May 28, working side by side with measures that guarantee the advancement of rights, gender equality and the recovery of public services to achieve live in a community that looks to the future and includes young people in it”.
More Castilla-La Mancha does not join the coalition nor will it present a candidacy for the regional elections
For its part, Más Castilla-La Mancha has communicated its decision not to participate in this joint candidacy considering that they are reissuing the formula that closed in the 2019 elections under the name of “Unidas Podemos”, and has also informed that it will not present own candidacy for regional elections.
In another press release, Más Castilla-La Mancha has assured that it has “actively participated” in the talks over the last two months with the intention of “expanding the space for progress.”
But he has opined that a confluence as such has not been achieved, but that “the IU and Podemos have simply reached an agreement on their own, exchanging places on local or regional lists and have later offered the rest the possibility of joining.”
In fact, this formation has expressed its disagreement with the forms used by Podemos and IU, “negotiating on the sidelines and offering the result already cooked to the rest of the organizations so that they adhere to it on a testimonial basis.”
He has also reported that he will not present his own candidacy for the regional elections to avoid the fragmentation of the vote and not contribute to a possible electoral failure.
At the municipal level, it keeps open various options to attend in the municipalities where there are no candidacies from Unidas Podemos or Más Castilla-La Mancha appreciates that their presence adds results.