Barcelona (EFE) and told him how to make “comparsa budgets” to simulate a contest.
Isaías H., for whom the Prosecutor’s Office is requesting six years in prison for benefiting from the alleged splitting of ILC contracts, has acknowledged on Monday before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) the emails he exchanged with Borràs, in which, He specified that the Junts leader gave him instructions on how to carry out the procedures to benefit from the contracts.
According to the defendant, who has negotiated a pact with the Prosecutor’s Office to incriminate Borràs in exchange for a sentence reduction, to qualify for the contracts he presented several budgets, one of which “he knew would be accepted”, while the other two were ” comparsas” to simulate public concurrence.
In this procedure, he added, he followed the instructions of the Junts leader, who came to specify the companies in whose name he had to present the offers to the ILC, which were accompanied by the expression “ok” to distinguish the budget that was finally going to be awarded the contracts