Brussels, Feb 9 (EFEAGRO).- The Government of Cantabria defended this Thursday in the Committee of the Regions (CdR) that the attacks of wolves on extensive livestock constitute “a problem for Europe” and promoted the holding of a debate to review the current status of the species.
The counselor of the Cantabrian Presidency, Paula Fernández Viaña, hopes that the next CdR plenary session, scheduled for mid-March, will approve a resolution that expresses “the need for local and regional authorities to manage the regulation as they have been doing up to now”. and the protection given to the wolf.
“We have to obtain this resolution to put pressure on the Ministry (for the Ecological Transition), because it is not normal that they decided to put the wolf on the list of protected species, when the plans of the autonomous communities were working,” he denounced after attending the plenary session of the Committee of the Regions in Brussels.
In addition, he argued that the attacks of wolves on extensive livestock are a problem shared by, in addition to Cantabria, the rest of the territory located north of the Duero, such as Galicia, Asturias or Castilla y León.
The inclusion in 2021, by the Government, of the wolf in the list of protected species LESPRE extended to the territories north of the Duero the same level of protection that, until then, only the packs located south of this river had .
However, according to the Cantabrian counselor, in the last decade the packs of wolves have doubled in her community, and she assured that this species is “a predator that closes the food chain of the system and has no other predator on top of it.”
Fernández Viaña stated that the wolf attacks imply losses for extensive-type ranchers, who in his opinion represent “a very important part” of the wealth of Cantabria, and for this reason he claims to apply “the principle of subsidiarity” so that sub-state administrations assume again the management of the wolf. EPHEAGRUS