Madrid (EFE)
As was to be expected, the plenary session of the guarantee court has not admitted to process the recusal incidents against President Cándido Conde-Pumpido and the magistrates Juan Carlos Campo, Inmaculada Montalbán and Concepción Espejel due to lack of legitimization of the five former PP deputies who they refused.
The Plenary understands that the former signatory deputies lack legitimacy in their own name and in their own name to request the recusal, since only the group of 71 PP deputies can challenge, in whose name they were not acting in this case.
With this decision, the court saves the threat of running out of a quorum to resolve, since the minimum is eight magistrates.
Precisely, the court already rejected Espejel’s abstention on Tuesday because the Plenary did not consider his reasons justified, which, if accepted, would have led three more magistrates to follow in his footsteps.
Because Espejel and Montalbán were members of the CGPJ that wrote a report on the law; Conde-Pumpido was attorney general when the Fiscal Council issued its report and Campo was Secretary of State for Justice, which was the Ministry that drafted the law.
With the abstentions and challenges resolved, the Plenary will now address the debate on the presentation by the conservative Enrique Arnaldo, who endorses the 2010 law and only sees one issue as unconstitutional, the article that regulates the information that women previously receive considering that it is not duly informed.
The progressive majority, from seven to four in plenary, intends to fully endorse the Abortion Law promoted in 2010 under the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero without accepting limitations or conditions on the right to abortion.
If this happens, two scenarios open up: that Arnaldo assumes the thesis of the majority or resigns from the paper so that it is another magistrate who drafts it according to the majority feeling and it is thus approved in the next plenary session.