Pamplona (EFE).- The Department of the Environment has given the green light in this legislature to 35 new renewable energy parks, doubling the existing installed capacity to date in Navarra.
The Environment has informed in due time and form 69 environmental requirements of the new renewable energy parks and whose processing period ended this Wednesday by virtue of Royal Decree Law 23/20, of June 23, which approves measures regarding energy and other areas for economic recovery.
The General Directorate for the Environment has resolved before this date all the required projects issuing the corresponding Environmental Impact Statements (for parks of less than 50 MW, in which case the body in charge of authorizing or not the parks is the Department of Economic Development ) or issuing the respective reports to the Ministry so that it can prepare its own DIA (for parks of more than 50 MW, in which case the Ministry is in charge of the authorization).
The last farms that remained to be reported up to now were the Cascante II wind farms (which obtained a favorable DIA) and Murchante (with an unfavorable DIA), as well as the photovoltaic farms of Cierzo IV in Castejón, Ebro I in Tudela, El Sasillo in Cascante and La Nava, in Tudela, with DIA favorable for the first two, unfavorable in El Sasillo and DIA partially favorable in the case of La Nava.
Resolved the DIA of parks for 1,400 MW
With these latest DIA, in this legislature the Environment has resolved the environmental requirements of 69 renewable energy parks, both wind and photovoltaic, and has given the green light to 35 of them, which represent an installed capacity of approximately 1,400 MW, the same power than all those installed in Navarra in the last 30 years.
Specifically, Environment has given the green light to 13 wind farms with a total installed power of 311 MW and 22 photovoltaic parks with an installed power of 1,117 MW.
It has been in the last year when the Environment has resolved the environmental processing of most of the renewable energy parks and, specifically, from February 2022 to the present, the green light has been given to 24 parks with an installed capacity of 1,100 MW.
Having passed the first milestone set by Royal Decree Law 23/20 for this month of January, there are now 7 renewable energy parks in whose processing the Environment is working to be able to resolve between the months of April and July and thus comply with the upcoming deadlines.