Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (EFE).- A total of 125 people donated organs and tissues in the Canary Islands in 2022, which represented an increase of 19.05 percent compared to the previous year, to reach record numbers in the history of the islands, the Ministry of Health reported this Thursday.
Of the donations made in 2022, 79 correspond to people who died of brain death, 40 were made in asystole and six were from living donors.
These data represent a rate of 54.83 donors per million inhabitants in the Canary Islands, a figure that is above the national average of 46.3, the note specifies.
From the data it can be seen that donations due to brain death increased by 38.6 percent in relation to 2021, while donations due to asystole represent 33.61 percent of deceased donors during 2022, a figure that is equivalent to the national average of previous years.
Donation in controlled asystole allows the donation of organs from people in whom the diagnosis of death has been established by circulatory and respiratory criteria.
Regarding the balance of transplants in the Canary Islands, in 2022 a total of 174 were registered, of which 123 were kidney transplants, 28 liver, 22 heart and one pancreatic.
The activity registered by reference hospitals of the Canary Islands Health Service is estimated at 28 liver in the Nuestra Señora de Candelaria University Hospital; 123 kidneys, of which 62 were performed at the HUC and 61 at the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular-Materno Infantil; 22 of heart at the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Dr. Negrín; and one of the pancreas at the Hospital Universitario de Canarias.
More than 100 hospital professionals make it possible to carry out each one of the transplants, led by the hospital coordinators, professionals in contact with the donor’s relatives and who constitute the key and differentiating element of the so-called “Spanish model” which is an international reference. , highlights the Counseling. EFE